I think its important to always find the good in life. People have become so negative these days it seems{ I'm guilty of this to} I don't think its intentional, our minds just seem to gravitate to what's wrong or what could be better. I guess its somewhat understandable, if you watch the news or read the papers or just listen to people talking, you see tragedy and hear how unhappy people are with their relationships, jobs, basically what their life has become. When were born we obviously don't have a concept of all of these negative things, the problems of the world. We were innocent and its like as we grow up its hard not to get negative or hard towards life. It's hard but not impossible to be positive. " you can choose to see nothing as a miracle or everything".
Everyday brings challenging situations but God has already given us everything we need to deal with them, its our choice to use them. If I really put everything into perspective God has blessed everyone if we choose to accept it. He's given us himself, He walks with us through every difficult situation with us, He's conquered death, I think thats enough to be joyful about. Knowing that something bigger than I am has already figured out this life and I don't have to. Our reason in living isn't to always be happy or figure out this life, because frankly If we live that way we'll always end up being disappointed because life is hardly always a happy place and we aren't suppose to figure life out. Were suppose to serve the one who already has. If nothing else in this world seems to make you happy, knowing God and all He's done for us and how much he truly loves each of us should be enough. People have all of these "things" they want out of their life.. a relationship, a career, money, a place, we all have this perfect scene in our minds of "how our life should be" life is not about any of those things, its about a deep meaningful relationship with God, then all of the small details will fall somewhat into place and life will be ok. In my opinion it's about giving up the control we feel we have on our life. We really don't have control but somehow we've convinced ourselves that we do. We don't want to let go of the things we feel we control because were afraid if we do that everything will fall apart, but it isn't about letting go of these things its about giving them over to God.
I have a hard time staying up about things sometimes when times get slow or rough, I'm really trying to work on letting Go and letting God.. Its a mind thing. Our minds are so powerful that if we could use them to feel joy and happiness in any situation our result in life would be so much greater. The sky is always blue, sometimes gray clouds cover up the blue or storms blow through, but when the clouds clear and the storm stops the sky is still blue. There is always something to be happy about- God has blessed us to much to spend time being unhappy.:)
In Christ,
"God grant me the serenity to accept the
things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.
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