
If we did the things we are capable of, we would astound ourselves.

Life has been a little busy these last couple of days, but today is a slow day. Actually I didn't have much to do at all. So I'm taking the day to relax! Let me try to recap the last couple of days.
I didn't do much of anything on Halloween, and their wasn't any trick or treaters since I live an an apartment. ha. I just watched movies and lounged around:) The rest of my weekend was pretty much the same- which was great!
Monday I had a print job to go to for the U.N. campaign, which was a lot of fun. Then I headed over to union square via subway- because it was a bit chilly! Had to pick up some things:) Also I've applied for something- that I don't want to jinx by chatter boxing about it until its a sure thing- so i'll just leave it at that by saying that Im excited about it and feel positive, but am trying to practice patience. - not a strong quality of mine, but I'm learning.
Its Great here, life is exciting.. Yes New York City is an exciting place, but I think that I've changed my outlook and attitude about life. So that its not the place that I am that makes life so great but my attitude about it. I feel really blessed and excited for the now and for the future. Life is really grand if you allow it. God has something so special for each person if you just open yourself up to him. Keep a positive and happy attitude about life, because it goes by fast!
This week is kind of up in the air.. things always seem to happen spur of the moment recently.. The only thing planned is really class hopefully more jobs and a response! Next Tuesday Im going to a friends for a dress event, a designer is coming to her apartment and bringing some of her clothes for a discounted price, that should be fun! Then Next Friday I'm going back to Fort Myers for a few days for a visit before Thanksgiving. I wanted to be here for the Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade:)
Looking forward to so much, gorgeous weather these days. Excited that Winter is just around the corner, and that the city will start dressing up like Christmas:) Can't wait to have a best friend come visit me in December so I can share the enjoyment with her:)
So this is it for now. I'll update again soon -

In Christ,

"What we see depends mainly on what we look for."

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