
"such is the essential mystery..."

Let me start of by saying I didn't have a very restful night. Now let me explain why...
I had a headache and went down early fell asleep and what not.. Then at 1:30 a.m. some guy ( who I've never seen before) is knocking on my apartment door and ringing the door bell. I didn't answer because I didn't know him and its 1:30 a.m.. He did this for like 10 minutes. Then he jiggled on the door knob.. creepy i know. The creepy thing is I live in an apartment building with a doorman 24/7 very secure, and new.. so my thought is he was someone who lived there or was visiting drank a little to much and got off on the wrong floor thinking my apartment was his or a friend. None the less I hate not knowing, it bugs me. I'd really like to find out who this person was, since I don't appreciate being awoken in the wee hours of the morning.. So i let the front desk know and they were surprised and checking into it, so we'll see how this goes. .

I'm learning I need to be more patient. Hurry up and wait.. thats about how it goes:)
Class tomorrow, then the weekend:) woohoo!
Im going back to FL. November 14-17 im excited to see my pups and my parents and some friends...its been a while.. short trip but a little getaway. It might be strange being back there? hmm
this is it for now.. later:)

In Christ,


rain, wind, and dirty subways...

ah yes, what a lovely day it was. ha. Since I'm aiming on being positive I've chosen to look at this little day of mishaps as a funny thing. { its much funnier now that my tukus is parked on the futon with a warm blanket}. Let me take you back to this morning. Rain wasn't all to bad to begin, and the weather forecast promised that it was going to clear up as the day progressed. I think not. I had so many errands to get done today, plus an audition where you are suppose to look somewhat decent (obviously) So, i step outside into the pouring rain with a faulty umbrella (that cost me a whole $2.00) which is swept away by the wind and within minutes my whole body is drenched (shoes,socks,pants,shirt,backpack). Its cold, the wind is blowing my hair all over. blah. I make it down to 30th street (12 blocks) for my audition and pretty much look as bad as the weather but I went in did the whole sha-bang and left. I opted to take the subway since the weather was so horrid to union square to pick up a few things. I find that subways smell worse and are dirtier on rainy days.. maybe its because more people take them? Im a walker I hardly ever take the subway, but I do have that metro card tucked away in my wallet for days like this. So got my stuff and came back to the apartment took a hot shower and had a nap. Which was lovely:) The sunny side is that tomorrow is a promise of sun, and degrees in the 60's ... always love that.:)!

Everyone should be rooting for the YANKEES - if your not. shame on you!;)

In Christ,


“One day at a time...

I think in general we all live in an imaginary world. Like we get up everyday and expect to have just another day. Life is so short, and no one is guaranteed even the next second. We get caught up in living in this unrealistic life, that we forget what's real. Then we hear of someone dying, even if you weren't close to the person who died, and it kind of brings you back to reality. It grounds you. Who are we to think that were guaranteed tomorrow? I really try myself to remember this and live life as if I only had today. Thats hard to do though because its almost like we don't believe. As much as we see it on the news, and read about it in the papers, death is like an unrealistic even that happens to "other people" .. not to be grim but we are the "other people" and one day someone will be reading about our passing in the paper, or possibly seeing it on the news. This isn't a post to be all depressing about life, perhaps just realistic. To make my point... No matter how long your life is, life is short what are you doing with your life? Who are you living for? What do you get up everyday for? Its easy to say that your living for something or to label yourself as a "christian" but what you do in your life says more that what you say about your life. That old "actions speak louder than words" is a statement I really believe in. Always look at what someone does because its so easy to say something but harder to live what you say. Im not pointing the finger at anyone, I have things that I need to work on and improve.

Its sad though how many people fall off the wagon. So many great people of God who go down the wrong road, and for what? Sex before marriage, alcohol, drugs? I have a hard time understanding people who are so selfish and uncontrolled to turn to these things that only bring sadness. God has given us so many blessings and to just go out and basically spit in his face by doing these things is horrible. Then its like people realize the bad there doing but can't stop.. I don't get that.. How bad is life going to have to get until someone wakes up and realizes there headed down the wrong path? Letting bad things or events dictate your life will ruin it.

Im sure some people will read this and assume I think I'm better than everyone or I'm judging but thats not it at all. Just some stuff i've been thinking about that I think is true. Basically don't waste your life. You only get one. . Its never to late to change. No one is ever to far gone to come back. You just have to turn around and start walking...

In Christ,

"Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life." Proverbs 4:23


Happiness is a journey, not a destination...


"for a long time it seemed to me that life was about to begin- real life. but there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid. at last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life. this perspective has helped me to see there is no way to happiness. happiness is the way. so treasure every moment you have and remember that time waits for no one."



You have been my friend. That in itself is a tremendous thing. I wove my webs for you because I liked you. After all, what's a life, anyway? We're born, we live a little while, we die. A spider's life can't help being something of a mess, with all this trapping and eating flies. By helping you, perhaps I was trying to lift up my life a trifle. Heaven knows anyone's life can stand a little of that.Charlotte,
"Charlotte's Web"


So I've been reminded recently how important it really is to have a positive attitude. A new friend of mine has really been a great influence and inspiration for me. I've realized that I say some things that are not positive, that I didn't even realize I was saying or do things that I didn't realize I was doing. Don't get me wrong Im not like a negative person, but life is such a gift that there is no time to be down or negative.
I feel so great about being here in New York City, its a new beginning another chapter. I've met some great people, positive people. There really can't be room for negative people in your life or at least mine, because it brings me down. Im so blessed to have met this inspirational friend. I've never met someone who understands me or inspires me so much. Im really fortunate.

I think everyone needs to have a vision. You have to see what you want and then make it happen. I feel like that. I have a vision. I know what I want, and now Im going to work hard to get that. Its hard but its an adventure. Life is never easy and their are always going to be negative things happening, but choosing the find the good in everything is what makes life so beautiful. I want to do that I want to be like that, like my friend. She is the most positive person I think i've ever been around, she lights up a room and everyone in it with her energy. Right now thats what Im working on being more positive, you have to see something yourself and believe it for it to become real. If i start to get negative feel free to stop me. Life is to short and days are to important to be negative. .

Life has been incredible:) Went to the Rachael Ray Show thanks to Brie, because I had tickets for the first one but they overbooked it. Wouldn't have been able to go if it wasn't for her! We had a blast it was so much fun. I honestly can say Rachael Ray is just how she seems down to earth like a friend you've known for years. The staff there were incredibly nice also which was good. For the snack of the day we got " cake balls" ha that was funny .. I kid you not that was the name:). It was the best show:) all around an amazing day:) This weekend will be a grand one:) Cheers!

Hope everyone is doing great:)

In Christ,


“And when it rains on your parade, look up rather than down. Without the rain, there would be no rainbow.”

So this week the weather has really kicked my but. First I'm frozen, then rained on, then blown away by the wind, then a lovely combination of all three came for a visit today. ha is this what they call "fall"? I think not. *chuckle* Of course the weather doesn't make me feel any differently about NY its the greatest city still with it's obnoxious week of terrible weather. Today supposedly was the last "bad weather" day.. still will be nice a cool and getting colder as winter comes but without the rain ( which is what i dislike so much). Of course on the last bad weather day as I'm walking to the gym trying to convince myself that it is not cold and I'm warm (when its actually 40 degrees,windy, and rainy) my umbrella is torn apart by the wind, and my plastic bag carrying my gym clothes decides it has a whole in it, leaving all of my gym necessities lying helpless on the wet, DIRTY N.Y. streets. as goes life I suppose. Perhaps they all came at the same time to say goodbye- thats what I'll tell myself at least. ( I just rambled about weather for quite a while didn't I? )

Now that I've been all dramatic and depressing about the past weather I'll go on to a more positive note:) Im so excited that one of my best friends is coming up here in December to visit me for a week:)! It is going to be so much fun having her here! I'm already making lists of everything we have to do and what not- nothing like planning ahead :D ...

Life has been grand though. Its great being all situated and at home now here. Just let me say also though most of you haven't heard of "Amys Bread" they are the sweetest people ever and have amazing bread:) I go there everyday and its one of my favorite things in this city! Im still trying to decide what I want to do for school next semester as far as acting and all goes, but Im waiting to see what happens before then. It's exciting though, life is leaving me at the edge of my seat. I know that God has something great planned I just have no idea what it is. Sometimes it scares me to really have no idea what the days hold, not to be able to "plan" anything (not that our plans ever go how we want) but it also gives me a feeling of excitement - like anything could happen at any moment. Thats what makes this city so different, I guess some may look at New York as dirty and crowded but I look at it like an adventure a place full of opportunities, you never know who your standing next to, what chance waits for you here. I love that. It makes me feel alive and blessed to be here:) Jesus will bless and amaze us if we let him.

That s all for now i'll try to post again but this week is packed full of craziness (school, rehearsal, RACHAEL RAY SHOW (WOOHOO), a million little things to get done) BUT on the upside it isn't suppose to rain:)

"Most human beings are driven to seek security and comfort. But there is another group that can only thrive on change and the unexpected of New York."


So I'm thinking that New York skipped fall and went right on to winter. I don't really consider 43 degrees fall do you? Maybe this is weathers way of doing me a favor, giving me time to prepare for actual winter, snow and what not. I've realized a couple of things thanks to this cold weather. 1. don't wear basketball shorts when its 43 degrees outside. 2. the clothes I have that I considered "warm clothes" are not. 3. walk fast. So I suppose I owe this weather a small thank you. maybe I'll be more prepared for when its actually freezing outside. maybe.

On another note. Life is going pretty good here. Classes are pretty good. I like them for the most part, some things I don't enjoy but I suppose thats how it is. People are nice and stuff- so its good:)
Its an odd thing . life. Its all pretty bitter sweet. I mean you never really know how its going to turn out. I guess that keeps things interesting. Its scary like hoping stuff works out and never really knowing.. frustrating at times but part of life. alright well off to class.. adios:)

In Christ,

. see everything yourself .


life has been an adventure.. but isn't it always?

Lets see here, i should work harder on keeping this updated. I don't even remember where I left off.
New York is amazing, the weather this past week has been gorgeous:) aside from that one rainy day we won't talk about;) School has been really great, loving my classes, meeting some awesome people:)

Everyday seems to bring something new. a new friend. a new place. a new adventure. its nice it's like everything is chaotic but settled its a whirlwind living in this city. There is truly no place like NYC. So many cultures all crammed together between buildings, getting up everyday going to work, taking the kids to school, striving to accomplish a dream. Its a great thing to people watch here, because everyone here has a story. As strange and different as this city is, I find that people everywhere share the same feelings in life. We all have something we want whether big or small and we get up everyday hoping to get it. Its just that NYC is on fast forward. moving fast and forward every second. I like that. I like fast paced. things get done quicker:)

Well life is good going to see another Jimmy Fallon taping and I finally got tickets to see the Rachael Ray show {you have absolutely no idea how excited this makes me 2 long years of trying!} for October:) My dogs are going to be up October 17! which im super happy about. Things are great. life is good. God is amazing:)
Thats all for now. more to come...

In Christ,

. see everything yourself .