
So I'm thinking that New York skipped fall and went right on to winter. I don't really consider 43 degrees fall do you? Maybe this is weathers way of doing me a favor, giving me time to prepare for actual winter, snow and what not. I've realized a couple of things thanks to this cold weather. 1. don't wear basketball shorts when its 43 degrees outside. 2. the clothes I have that I considered "warm clothes" are not. 3. walk fast. So I suppose I owe this weather a small thank you. maybe I'll be more prepared for when its actually freezing outside. maybe.

On another note. Life is going pretty good here. Classes are pretty good. I like them for the most part, some things I don't enjoy but I suppose thats how it is. People are nice and stuff- so its good:)
Its an odd thing . life. Its all pretty bitter sweet. I mean you never really know how its going to turn out. I guess that keeps things interesting. Its scary like hoping stuff works out and never really knowing.. frustrating at times but part of life. alright well off to class.. adios:)

In Christ,

. see everything yourself .

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