I think in general we all live in an imaginary world. Like we get up everyday and expect to have just another day. Life is so short, and no one is guaranteed even the next second. We get caught up in living in this unrealistic life, that we forget what's real. Then we hear of someone dying, even if you weren't close to the person who died, and it kind of brings you back to reality. It grounds you. Who are we to think that were guaranteed tomorrow? I really try myself to remember this and live life as if I only had today. Thats hard to do though because its almost like we don't believe. As much as we see it on the news, and read about it in the papers, death is like an unrealistic even that happens to "other people" .. not to be grim but we are the "other people" and one day someone will be reading about our passing in the paper, or possibly seeing it on the news. This isn't a post to be all depressing about life, perhaps just realistic. To make my point... No matter how long your life is, life is short what are you doing with your life? Who are you living for? What do you get up everyday for? Its easy to say that your living for something or to label yourself as a "christian" but what you do in your life says more that what you say about your life. That old "actions speak louder than words" is a statement I really believe in. Always look at what someone does because its so easy to say something but harder to live what you say. Im not pointing the finger at anyone, I have things that I need to work on and improve.
Its sad though how many people fall off the wagon. So many great people of God who go down the wrong road, and for what? Sex before marriage, alcohol, drugs? I have a hard time understanding people who are so selfish and uncontrolled to turn to these things that only bring sadness. God has given us so many blessings and to just go out and basically spit in his face by doing these things is horrible. Then its like people realize the bad there doing but can't stop.. I don't get that.. How bad is life going to have to get until someone wakes up and realizes there headed down the wrong path? Letting bad things or events dictate your life will ruin it.
Im sure some people will read this and assume I think I'm better than everyone or I'm judging but thats not it at all. Just some stuff i've been thinking about that I think is true. Basically don't waste your life. You only get one. . Its never to late to change. No one is ever to far gone to come back. You just have to turn around and start walking...
In Christ,
"Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life." Proverbs 4:23
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